"Merge source" supporting prefilters

Not planned



  • Official comment
    Geir Ove Grønmo

    The use cases are a bit too generic. Could you please provide a more concrete use case for each of the two?

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  • asmund.isaksen

    Split entities based on rdf:type from the same dataset into different globals (Instead of creating new pipes):

    In Elvia we have some cases where we need to split data from one table into two globals (example: split into global-grid and global-meterpoint). Instead of having two intermediate pipes doing this, it would be nice to use "prefilters"/"subset" in the merge pipe directly.

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  • Geir Ove Grønmo

    We think that this is a good idea, and we'll probably implement it at some point, but currently this is not high on our list as one can work around this by materializing the subset datasets.

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