Improve pump-failed hops error outputs.
Currently there are three different hops errors you can get in a "pump-failed" event.
I will focus on the two which are caused by the limit of entities reached and the bytes limit reached (and ignore indexing as that is fine I think).
Currently, the error for "limit of entities reached" gives you an exception as follows:
"Hops starting with the join '_S.$ids=i.elwin-erlifaktura:kraftlevnr-ni' with the value 'elwin-efjurperson:551861' failed because it would result in too many entities! (The limit of 75000 entities was reached) _S=elwin-efjurperson:551861tracking=1""
It does include the joins attribute and value of it in the error message. The other error type for "bytes limit reached" type does not:
"Hops failed because the total size of the entities is now 268437122 bytes (the limit is 268435456 bytes)! _S= [ elwin-erfaktura:10015314, elwin-erfaktura:100332, elwin-erfaktura:100498, elwin-erfaktura:100775"
Both of these error messages should include the following:
* source entity _id
* Hop line number.
So why do I want this?
Currently to get the source entity ID you would need to query the database where the source and hops data is stored and find the entity which joins together with the hopped-to entities you actually get in the output.
This both takes time for those experienced with it and is hard to teach how to do to those who are not experienced.
Official comment
We'll look into improving these error messages to give more context information.
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