

  • Official comment
    Geir Ove Grønmo

    This might be a good idea, but we're currently lacking a real use-case and a concrete proposal for how to solve the use-case.

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  • Geir Atle Hegsvold

    I've got a real use-case for this:

    At Statnett we import data from Kafka. Kafka returns a base64-encoded XML-string.

    The decoded XML-string contains about a dozen different namespaces (ns1, ns2, ns3...).

    All elements have one of these namespaces.

    The root element and some of the sub elements have different namespaces on some occasions. For one entity the root element can have namespace ns5, for another entity it can have ns8.

    This makes it hard to use fully namespaced references to these elements. We basically just want to get rid of the namespaces.

    Example JSON-ified structure:

    "ns5:root": {

      "ns1:property1": value 1


    Another example from the same Kafka source:

    "ns8:root": {

      "ns5:property1": value 1



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  • Geir Atle Hegsvold

    Follow up:

    Adding the following to the pipe config got rid of all namespaces:

    "namespaces_identifiers": true,

    "remove_namespaces": true

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