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Latest activity by rune.karlsen
  • rune.karlsen created a post,

    Spooling of static remote data sources


    Add an option for remote data sources that a local copy of data should be transferred and consumed locally. This is useful for e.g CSV, REST, SQL and other remote systems where we would like to pro...

  • rune.karlsen created a post,

    Hash-as-UUID DTL function providing a simulated consistent UUID


    In CIM and other datamodels UUIDs are frequently used as identifiers, especially in XML-based datamodels. Normally one would like to have a database of entities with their UUID so that one can use ...

  • rune.karlsen created a post,

    Hashing function BLAKE2 - both blake2s and blake2b

    Not planned

    Currently Sesam DTL supports hashing function `murmurhash3`. This is known as a fairly good and performant hashing function, but it has quite a bit of collisions still. A cryptographic hashing func...