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Latest activity by egemen.yavuz
  • egemen.yavuz created a post,

    limit size that hops processes

    Not planned

    Similar to 'limit' or 'rownumber' clauses in SQL, an optional limitation on the number of rows that hops function returns/processes would com handy in several ways: - One could chose to limit the s...

  • egemen.yavuz created a post,

    make dataset volume visible


    I would like tobe able to see the volume usage of a pipe. Ideally per all relevant breakdowns (per index, output dataset, execution log etc) but can live with "output dataset volume" at minimum as ...

  • egemen.yavuz commented,

    I think purging retry-queue belongs to neither "reset" not "reset-to-end". Would it be better to have an explicit and separate "purge retry-queue" functionality instead?

  • egemen.yavuz commented,

    There is a microservice on sesam-community space that cab be used here : rest-transform By using this service, "post-and-save-the-response-in-sesam" functionality can be omitted from the target api.

  • egemen.yavuz commented,

    Just to clarify - Single instance of the microservice that i pointed to can be used for several source/sink system.

  • egemen.yavuz commented,

    +1 to the feature request. Till then this is what i implemented to get over it: